Thanks To Our Donors


Waseca Sleigh and Cutter $8,000

Waseca Area Foundation-$3,000

Keen Bank Waseca-$500

In Memory of Harold Nuessmeier-$100

In Memory of Marvin Kollos -$500

Yearly private donor-$2,100

Caleb Erickson Memorial Fund-Annual Donations

Waseca Exchange Club-Flag Etiquette Brochures and monetary donations

We wanted to honor and thank all of our generous donors. We have been receiving donation for about 7 years so if we forgot a name, please let us know. It is not our intention to forget anyone.

If you'd like to make a donation you can venmo us or write a check to Free Flags For Vets and send it to PO Box 555, Waseca, MN 56093. Please put in the memo if you'd like to be added to this page.

One Flag Kit costs approximately $300 so any amount helps. We appreciate it!